A Laws.Africa project

The Linkage Between the Integrated Technical Co-Operation Programme and the Millennium Development Goals revoked

Resolution A.1006(25)

This is the version of this Resolution as it was when it was revoked.

The Linkage Between the Integrated Technical Co-Operation Programme and the Millennium Development Goals

Resolution A.1006(25)

THE ASSEMBLY,RECALLING Articles 2(e) and 15(k) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Organization in relation to the facilitation and promotion of technical co-operation,RECALLING ALSO United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/55/2 on the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which calls for greater policy coherence and better co‑operation between the United Nations, its agencies and other multilateral bodies with a view to achieving a fully co-ordinated approach to the problems of peace and development,RECALLING FURTHER Resolution A/RES/60/1 adopted by the UN General Assembly on the 2005 World Summit Outcome, which calls for action by Member States, civil society, other stakeholders and by the UN system as a whole to be more effective and efficient across the breadth of their agenda and to demonstrate greater coherence in undertaking concrete measures to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),RECALLING IN PARTICULAR resolution A.986(24) on the Importance and Funding of Technical Co-operation as a Means to Support the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the MDGs, which requests the Secretary-General to explore sources of funding to support IMO’s contribution to the achievement of the MDGs,MINDFUL of the obligations and responsibilities of all Member States, including the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to implement systems and procedures, in accordance with the instruments to which they are parties, to the best of their abilities and in a co-ordinated way, so as to contribute to their long-term development,RECOGNIZING the important role that a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound shipping and port sector plays in the sustainable development of all States and the achievement of the MDGs,RECOGNIZING ALSO the enabling role played by IMO in providing an internationally acceptable regulatory framework within which the maritime sector can thrive and contribute to sustainable development,RECOGNIZING FURTHER the fundamental importance of IMO’s technical co‑operation activities, channelled through the Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP), in enhancing the capacity of developing countries to implement the aforementioned international regulatory framework,HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Technical Co-operation Committee at its fifty‑sixth and fifty-seventh sessions on the issue of linkage between the Organization’s ITCP and the MDGs,1.INVITES Member States and donor organizations to recognize the importance of building maritime capacity in achieving the MDGs and to ensure that consideration is given to the inclusion of the maritime sector in Official Development Assistance (ODA) programmes;2.INVITES Member States and partner organizations to use IMO as the mechanism for co‑ordination in relation to technical co-operation in the maritime sector, so as to ensure strengthened coherence and co-ordination;3.INVITES Member States to voluntarily utilize the Maritime Capacity Checklist, annex 1, and the Maritime Capacity Analysis tool, annex 2, to analyse and assess the levels of maritime capacity progress in developing maritime capacity over time;4.REQUESTS the Technical Co-operation Committee to give high priority to those activities, which not only promote the early ratification and effective implementation of IMO instruments but also contribute to the attainment of the MDGs, taking into account the special needs of the LDCs and SIDS, and the particular maritime transport needs of Africa, and ensure that these needs are reflected in the ITCP;5.ENCOURAGES all IMO Member States and international organizations concerned to provide and, as the case may be, increase their financial and in-kind support for the delivery of the ITCP individually and through bilateral and multilateral development aid programmes;6.URGES all Member States to make every effort to ensure that technical assistance is acted upon;7.REQUESTS the Technical Co-operation Committee to keep this resolution, including the annexes, under review and take action as appropriate.

History of this Resolution